Why Choose a Nonprofit Hospice?

When it's time to start looking for a hospice agency for yourself or your loved one, how do you know which one to choose? It can be as simple as asking "Who owns this hospice agency?"

Nevada County is one of the few communities remaining that has a nonprofit hospice. Hospice of the Foothills belongs to the community, not to some large corporation. What started as a community-based reaction to a need for expert end-of-life services has now become (to some) a very attractive and profitable enterprise. 

 Today, of the 2,600 hospices in California, only 6% are nonprofit. 

What is the difference? All hospice organizations must abide by the same Medicare minimum requirements, but how they each operate and deliver care within those requirements can be drastically different.

Hospice of the Foothills has provided compassionate end-of-life care for more than 44 years in Nevada County. This organization has always been nonprofit and community-owned—this means we answer directly to the communities we serve rather than investors or a larger healthcare system.

Here are some things you should know about all nonprofit hospices:

1. Patients Come First

 Nonprofit hospices prioritize the well-being of patients, above financial gain. Their mission revolves around providing comprehensive care that suits each individual's needs. This creates an environment where patients and their families feel heard, valued, and supported.

2. Community Commitment

Unlike for-profit hospices that are driven by the bottom line, nonprofit organizations deeply invest in their communities. They continually go above and beyond required minimum care thresholds because they can. Their focus goes beyond basic care to include outreach programs, education initiatives, and support systems that enrich the lives of those they serve.

3. Compassion over Commercialism

Nonprofits aren't motivated by shareholders or commercial interests but rather by compassion for the patients they serve. This absence of profit-driven motives ensures that decisions are made with the best interests of the patients at heart prioritizing high-quality care above all else.

4. Financial Accessibility

Nonprofit hospices often go above and beyond to ensure that financial constraints don't hinder access to end-of-life services for individuals in need. There is no cost for our hospice services at Hospice of the Foothills. This aligns with a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

5. Transparency

One important aspect of nonprofit hospices is their emphasis on practices and transparency. These organizations are structured in a way that promotes openness and accountability which helps build trust among patients, families, and the community as a whole.


All hospices are not the same, and you do have a choice. We hope when that time comes your search leads you to Hospice of the Foothills. It will be our honor to provide comfort and high-quality care to your family.


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