Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight

Hospice of the Foothills serves this community with excellence, tireless support, and with the heart that ‘We are all just walking each other home’ (a quote by Ram Dass).” Brenda adds, “How better to serve someone than to usher them out with dignity and respect? It is so incredibly rewarding to make a difference in one person’s life.
— Brenda Hollmer

Hospice of the Foothills relies on volunteers like Brenda Hollmer to help make our organization run well.

Whether they work directly with patients, in the Gift and Thrift Store, or in fundraising support with our Friends of Hospice volunteers, they all play an important part in helping our patients and their families through a difficult journey.

Brenda Hollmer has been a Patient Support Volunteer with Hospice of the Foothills since 2017. “My desire to come to Hospice of the Foothills came from a long-term desire to be with the elderly, and what better way to support the elderly than to learn about the end of life? I was also looking for something that would be rewarding, and Hospice of the Foothills proved to be a solid organization with professional and compassionate staff and caregivers”, said Brenda.

Our patient support volunteers undergo a specialized training course so they are fully prepared to provide respite care or be a "friendly visitor" for a patient. “At the end of the training, we not only felt knowledgeable but also had the desire to step into supporting Hospice patients and families.” Brenda has had additional training in bereavement and dying vigil volunteer services so she can help the grieving and sit bedside while a patient is actively dying to bring comfort.

If you are interested in learning more about our excellent volunteer program, please contact Diane Barlow, Volunteer Services Coordinator at 530-274-5108, email at or on our website at www.hospiceofthefoothills.org/volunteer.


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