
Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Hospice of the Foothills offers exceptional opportunities to memorialize or honor your loved one, while supporting the vital programs and services that make a difference in our community.


Memorial and Tribute Gift Opportunities

Memorial Gift - Make gifts in memory of your loved ones

Memorial Wall - Memorialize your loved one on an engraved leaf mounted on the Memorial Wall. learn more

Personalized Brick Purchase - Community members can support the programs and services provided by Hospice of the Foothills through the purchase of an engraved brick. Each $150 brick is etched with a name or message to honor or memorialize a friend or family member and will line the sidewalk leading to the memorial flagpole honoring Eugene Zepp and Nina Leu Zepp. For more information call us at 530. 272.5739.

Tribute Gift - Make gifts in honor of a friend, veteran, coworker, group, organization or anyone that you want to give tribute to. Your tribute gift will support the operations of Hospice of the Foothills.

Naming opportunities - Give a special gift towards a room or area on the Hospice of the Foothills campus. Please contact us at 530.272.5739 to discuss these unique opportunities.

For more information on these lasting gifts, please contact us at 530.272.5739.

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